Artist Statement

Game of Balance

“At times I feel as if I go to war with a painting. The process is a battle of balancing chaotic movements propelled by the current variables of emotions and feelings that move through me. Attempting to remain hyper focused within distractions and the will of my freedom to express myself can be an exhilarating challenge. Swift, quick and energetic actions can turn into unsatisfactory art work within seconds.

Feeling as if I should not move forward with this waste of paint in front of me. Seeing no way forward. Continuing to stare at the canvas for long periods of time. Attempting to configure a way to progress within a state of doubt versus faith. The intensity of my energy becomes detached from the world and becomes one with the process of painting. Trusting the unknown is what allows me to complete my work with success in times of uncertainty and confusion.

Calculated yet spontaneous actions generated through a power deep inside, yet far away. Through a mixture of sport, dance and long pauses The movements become transferred into physical form onto the canvas and the pauses help discover my next best moves.”